Code of Conduct
- I have a RIGHT to learn.
- I have a RIGHT to be respected.
- I have a RIGHT to hear and be heard.
- I have a RIGHT to be safe in this classroom, anywhere in the school and on the playground.
- I have a RIGHT to privacy and to my own personal space.
Classroom and School Community
- be welcoming, friendly, kind and helpful,
- work hard, work together with others, be on time, and be prepared,
- clean-up my mess, help others and help with the recycling program,
- care for school property, help others, and use equipment and materials appropriately,
- respect the personal property of others and to accept their right to privacy, and
- be truthful.
Solving Problems in Peaceful Ways
- use appropriate words, voice level, and tone,
- get help when necessary,
- listen to others,
- not to tease, bully or bug other people or to hurt their feelings,
- not to threaten, kick, punch or physically harm anyone else,
- report to my teacher or principal if another student is doing these bad things to me, and
- apologize when necessary.
Valuing Diversity and Human Rights
- Play safely; no play fighting,
- Keep hands and feet to self,
- Ask to borrow things from others,
- Make new friends and welcome others; greet people, include others, and be polite: please, thank you, excuse me, etc.,
- Encourage people, move quietly, wait your turn, and honour privacy,
- Be an active problem solver when talking and listening,
- Show interest in correcting injustices,
- Treat others respectfully and fairly and do not engage in unacceptable behavior (such as: bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation, threatening or violent behavior),
- Promote a climate of understanding and mutual respect where all are equal in dignity and rights,
- uphold principles of diversity and equality; we do not discriminate against others on the basis of: race, colour, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and or age.
Exercising Rights and Responsibilities
- Make a difference by acting upon opportunities for action (ex: voicing concerns, recycling, self-advocacy, etc.),
- Strive to be active. Participate with a positive attitude,
- Enjoy and respect displays,
- Keep coats and storage areas neat and tidy,
- Use the garbage cans and pick up garbage,
- Be organized before going outside; organize coats and snacks, and take washroom breaks at appropriate times,
- Conserve paper and soap,
- Make good choices. Move and play safely, and
- Stay on school grounds.
- All students are expected to:
- Behave in an appropriate manner at all times both within the school and outside on school grounds.
- Treat all staff members with respect and comply with reasonable requests made to them by staff members.
- Treat fellow students with regard for their safety and well being.
- Complete all assignments to the best of their ability and within the deadlines set by the teachers.
- Attend all classes regularly and to make every effort to be on time for all classes.
- No student, whether directly under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or suffering from the after effects of such usage, will be allowed to remain in the school.
- Vandalism (to school equipment, supplies or buildings, for example) will not be tolerated. Any breaches of school rules will result in immediate action by the school administration.
- Students are not permitted to bring or use personal devices (such as cell phones) into the school unless they are for school use and they have their teacher’s permission. See PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY for more information.
- Students must not be in any part of the school building before or after regular school hours without the express permission of a staff member and then only if the staff member is present. Students will not normally be in any part of school building or playgrounds after 9:00 pm unless there is a community function at the Hall.
- We ask that hoods and hats are removed at school, as a measure of safety and respect.
- Food or drink is not permitted in the classrooms, gym, computer room during school hours except during authorized events.
- Smoking and other tobacco use is not permitted in any of the school buildings or school grounds at any time. We recognize the need to protect the health, safety and welfare of students, employees and other users of the school and properties with respect to the use of tobacco and smokeless tobacco products, including the smoking of electronic cigarettes (e.cigarettes).