Reporting process
We believe that feedback is most effective when it:
- KIND – Lifts the child up
- HELPFUL – Clearly state areas of strength and areas yet to be developed?
- SPECIFIC – Indicates to a parent whether their child is Emerging, Developing, Proficient, or Extending (BC Performance Standards)
Written student progress reports for students in kindergarten to grade 7 includes a performance scale and reporting comments in relation to the learning outcomes for the following subjects:
- Arts Education
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Physical and Health Education,
- Science
- Social Studies
- Supporting Emerging Aboriginal Stewards (SEAS)
- Language and Culture: Xai’Xais
K4 to grade 7 students will receive a report card three times a year (in December, March, and June).
Reports for primary students in K4 to grade 7 include written comments about:
- What the student is able to do,
- Areas requiring further attention,
- Ways of supporting the student in his/her learning and an overall statement of progress.
Throughout the year, communication between school and teacher is encouraged through informal parent/teacher conversations and more formal parent/teacher conferences and/or specially-arranged meetings.
Grade 8 to 12 students will receive a report card two times a year (in January and June).
Formal reports for students in grades 9 to 12 use letter grades and percentages. In addition, there will be interim reporting periods for high school students. Parents will be informed of potential failure in a course during the interim reporting periods. Students must meet all graduation requirements and successfully complete a minimum of 80 credits of coursework to complete grade 12 and graduate from school.
Promotion through school grades should be continuous; retaining (or holding students back) is rare. Grade promotions or retaining a student in a grade involves team consultations between teachers, parents and school administration.
For K4 to grade 12 students, we will host one parent-teacher conference (in October) and a student-led conference (in April).